Monday 29 October 2012

Perfect Studio Lighting

Settings: Shutter speed 1/20 and f 6.3

Settings: Shutter speed 1/25 and f 6.3

Settings: Shutter speed 1/15 and f 7.1

Painting With Light

I chose to do this picture to show the childhood fear of the dark. When I was a kid and probably a lot of other people know that going to bed and having the light turned off was probably one of the sariest things to happen to you. At any moment some monster would jump out of your closet and eat you. I know from personal experience my brothers would have to go in my closet and "scare" all the monsters away. So ya, thats what i did...

Friday 12 October 2012

Multipule Exposures!

so i just got hannah to do a cartwheel behind the school and i took a lot of pictures (i only used 4) with my camera on the contunious shooting setting and these were the pictures. this picture shows how much doing a cartwheel is because chances are, hannah hasn't done one since she was little. this shows her more childish side (or possibly immature) and how no matter how old you are you should always have sometime to go something childish to have fun!